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Feign [InProgress, v1.14] (slaen) [uncen] [2021, Action, ADV, RPG, 3D, Fantasy, Monsters, Muscular, Succubus, Monster Girl, Demon, Constructor, Fighting, All Sex, Anal, Blowjob, Big Tits, Monster Girl, Futanari, Gay, Lesbians, UE4] [eng]

19-03-2023, 22:37

Год выпуска: 2021
Дата релиза: 2021/08/21
Жанр: Action, ADV, RPG, 3D, Fantasy, Monsters, Muscular, Succubus, Monster Girl, Demon, Constructor, Fighting, All Sex, Anal, Blowjob, Big Tits, Monster Girl, Futanari, Gay, Lesbians, UE4
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: slaen
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v1.14
Язык игры (сюжет): Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Неизвестен/ Другой
Системные требования (минимальные): OS: Windows x64 / CPU: i5 / RAM: 8GB / VRAM: 2GB / HDD: 6GB-Описание:
A role playing game for adults that will combine elements from Skyrim, Fable, and Corruption of Champions.-Доп.информация:

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Журнал изменений

Updated all scene animations to use the new systems. This was to fix alignment issues between characters and should fix those issues going forward.
5 new armor sets / outfits
Lighting and environment updates to the tavern and alchemist's hut.
Tutorial revamp work in progress. Completely new environment and flow to the tutorial. The next step is to add specific scripting to the AI characters.
Sky time of day lighting fixes and tweaks. Lots of behind the scenes work to make this work with multiple environments.
Scene position and rotation controls
HUD toggle button
Attribute assignment during character creation. Not implemented into gameplay yet.
Character creation screen lighting updates and slider to control time of day.
New inventory screen displays player character.
Slime girl rig updates
Slime girl new animations, new melee attacks, new grapple, new vfx, polished face ride scene.
Updated succubus hair mesh
Narrative scene first pass. This is all the basic systems and a test scene to go along with them. Triggered by player losing to an imp.
Imp grapple
Goblin grapple
Slime grapple
Camera shake and visual fx added to some scenes and I'll continue polishing scenes up as I get the time.
1st person view got some polish. Screen shake, a few animation tweaks, screen flash.
1st person melee had some hit detection issues which should be fixed now. The most noticeable was collision with destructible environment assets like barrels.
Fixed AI to handle grapple and scene animations a little better. There are still some camera issues when the player gets mobbed by enemies but there shouldn't be as many bugs
Fixed the bug where if the player was swinging their weapon and then sheathed it mid-swing it would still think it was doing damage. The sword would be on the player's back and if an NPC walked behind them they would take damage.
Bow and arrow test weapon got a really rough update - now an arrow spawns in 1st person and 3rd person views, follows the animations, and disappears at the appropriate time. Still needs proper animations and tweaks plus ammo counts and the ability to equip arrows.
Stability and bug fixes
Feedback on the imp's narrative scene would be really helpful. Narrative scenes are setup with the dialogue system and support animations, visual fx, sound fx, and multiple branches. The plan is to add role playing and skill checks into scenes or have specific scenes trigger based upon the player's previous actions. But let me know if you like the narrative mode compared to the standard animation viewer mode. Should I add a back/previous button to the narrative scenes? That way if someone wanted to replay a section or missed a section they could go back and view it again?
There's a few issues with the new interior environments for the tutorial, the tavern, and the alchemist's hut. Objects and characters will reset when the player leaves and re-enters. These new areas are separate levels and so are destroyed and reloaded when the player leaves. I'll write something that keeps track of what happens in these areas similar to the dynamic NPC spawners. Just need to find the time.
What's next?
I'm not really sure yet. The gameplay needs a ton of balancing. There are lots of animations that need polishing. The tutorial encounters need to be scripted and animated. I want to start adding the magic system. There's the lockpicking system. The minotaur needs some love his animations and textures need a polish pass. There's always more weapons and armor to be added. Those are just the first things that come to mind. Anything else people want to see? Maybe I'll put up a poll asking people what they want to see in the next build?-v1.12
Grapple, Lust, Stun System
This is the first full version of these systems and will be refined over time. If you have any feedback or ideas on how to improve things let me know!
There's 3 new bars in the player's HUD.
The stun bar fills up based upon the weapon type the player is hit with. When it is full the player will be stunned for a few seconds during which time they will be vulnerable to damage or grapples.
The lust bar takes damage from some attacks and some grapples. When it is full the player will lose their clothing and then any lust damage will go into the climax bar. When the climax bar fills up then the player will climax and be stunned and if they are in a grapple they will be defeated by their opponent.
Grapples are triggered on the player when the player is in a stunned state. There's 2 ways to break grapples, mostly for testing. Alternately pressing 'q' and 'e' will break the hold but takes a few keypresses. Or to skip the grapple entirely press the spacebar.
The goblin girl and the succubus are the NPCs that currently have grapple scenes and AI hooked up.
Also of note if the player doesn't have a weapon readied the succubus and goblin will also automatically trigger a grapple. This is hooked up for testing and an easy way to see the content quickly. Grapples are also different depending on if the player is wearing clothing or not.
Quick note - there's a bug with the grapple character alignments that I thought I had fixed but it looks like I missed something. It seems to happen more often on uneven terrain. I'll keep digging into this but I didn't want to hold up the build any longer.
The initial version of the succubus is in game and ready to go. She has a basic set of scenes and basic combat AI. Her ranged attack is a placeholder right now and she needs a proper visual FX pass to really sell a lot of her actions. She has a spawn point on the road south of town.
Early game dialogue and quests are now in the game. These are mostly quests to lead the player around town and introduce the important NPCs they will be interacting with. I'm getting more comfortable with the dialogue system and scripting and will start adding more complexity to this stuff over time. But if you have any thoughts or feedback please share!
I'm fried right now after bug fixing, testing, and doing technical stuff the last few weeks. I'm going to take it easy for a day or two and recharge then get right back to work.
And again feedback, thoughts, bugs, or anything you want to share drop me a line in a message or in the comments!-v1.10b
Overview of the current features:
  • Character creation and customization
  • First person to third person camera switch. Most animations and character actions during gameplay support camera switching at any time.
  • Melee combat with swing cycles and blocking. Melee weapons each have individual hit areas based upon the current animation and the shape of the weapon.
  • Branching dialogue system
  • Saving and loading
  • Open world gameplay
  • Day / Night cycle
  • Dynamic spawn system for NPCs supports schedules with custom time of day actions
  • Animation scene system that can be initiated through dialogue or combat. Scene selection takes into account the participants' current anatomy.
  • Inventory system
  • Customization / transformation system for human player and NPCs
  • Player housing with object placement system
  • Clothing / Armor system not limited by gender. If it is armor made for humans the player can wear it. Supports all different player body types and shapes.
  • Multiple equipment slots for human characters. Head, body, hands, horns, ears, tail.-v1.9
  • Updated the engine version to Unreal 4.25
  • Changed scene control to instantly jump to the next section when the button is pressed
  • Added Goblin Cowgirl2 scene
  • Added Human x Human Doggystyle scene
  • Tutorial Level is roughed in and needs playtesting
  • Fixed a few bugs in the alchemist questline - she should now add potions to her store's chest after each part of the quest is finished
  • Prop placement is in game and partially working - P will open the placement menu or V while hovering over and object in the inventory (the keys, controls, and physics of almost everything will change this is just the first test version)
  • NPCs can now use props during animations
  • Inventory items have an information panel that appears while hovering over the corresponding inventory button, the layout and details are still temporary and the 3d object display hasn't been implemented in some menus-v1.8
  • Alchemist Goblin character with oufit and hairstyle
  • Alchemist's hut building exterior
  • Alchemist's hut building interior with props
  • Consumeable potions for health, mana, and stamina
  • New shader for potions + glass potion bottles
  • Narrative branching scenes tied in with dialogue
  • Tooltips added to dialogue screen
  • More hotkeys and ways to exit dialogue
  • Ingredient plants and similar actors will respawn after a specified amount of time - default is roughly one day
  • Testing new goblin jiggle system and animations
  • Idle animation markers have been added for AI - currently only the alchemist has these - a few known bugs during dialogue and facing direction while playing these animations
  • New skin shader updates for NPCs-v1.7
  • Minotaur animations walk, idle, combat idle, melee swing, cowgirl, doggy.
  • Jizztech 1.0 - fx triggered by pressing 'v' while testing - implemented in some scenes, requires relevant anatomy to be present.
  • 2 Dedicated spawn points along the main road for minotaurs only (temporary)
  • 2 handed axe is in the game and textured
  • 1 handed axe in the game and textured
  • Stick weapon in the game and textured
  • Woodsman's Tunic
  • Destructible objects initial implementation (barrels, pumpkins)
  • Slimegirl material update
  • 2 rough new building models in town - general goods store, and misc NPC home-v1.6
    -The minotaur is roughly in the game. He needs a full set of new animations still. The retargeting on his placeholder animations didn't go so well and his feet have trouble touching the ground.
    -Dynamic spawners are in the game and should be working properly now. Enemies that are dynamically spawned and then defeated will respawn at that same location after a day or two of ingame time has passed. This is the most basic gameplay loop. The player can leave town, defeat enemies, take their gold, then return to town to heal and wait for the enemies to respawn, and then repeat the entire process.
    -Lots of environment work. The rough blockout for an old mine has been started and gets progressively rougher the deeper into the mine you go.
    -The first quest has been started. To try testing it out for yourself speak to the bartender in the tavern. Only two solution paths are currently implemented - the player can solve the quest through dialogue or through violence. The quest ends when the girl teleports back to the tavern. I still need to do the after effects, faction relation changes, quest rewards, and all that sort of stuff.
    -Quests have dialogue hooks, separate quest stages, a new functional tab on the players' inventory screen, plus some other stuff I'm sure to be forgetting.
    -Factions have gotten a bit of love and for testing purposes in this build attacking ANY character will decrease standing with that character's faction. When the faction reaches a negative enough level members of that faction will attack on sight.
    -Imps have facial expressions ready but still need sex animations and scenes.
    -Title screen should display the character from the most recent saved game.
    -Saves still don't work between versions - yet! I'm working on a character export/ import system that should work in the short term so people won't have to keep recreating characters each new build. Then hopefully I can figure out how to make the saves carry over without to much hardcoding stuff.
    -The narrative sex scenes aren't completely ready yet. They tie in with so many other triggers and character behaviors that I disabled them to not completely break the current sex scene functionality.
    -Adjusted running speed, sprint speed, and ducking movement speed. I'll keep tweaking these numbers to find something that feels "right" plus at some point I'll give them proper animations. There still isn't a cap on stamina use though - just to save people some time running around and looking at the new content.
    -Trading systems and UI should all be working. Items will cost gold and can be sold for gold.-v1.5
    Tease/Stun attacks initial testing version
    Grapple System initial testing version
    AI has a basic concept of if the player has a weapon equipped and readied
    Slime girl full animation scenes
    Slime girl texture polish
    Implemented a few sounds
    Dialogue option to skip directly to sex scenes
    Vendor system was updated so that vendors will pull inventory from an actual container - the blacksmith is currently the only one with this setup. Gold isn't being charged yet so that testing is easier.
    Character creation polish - new color preset options for some categories and UI layout tweaks
    Tavern has blockout temporary assets for interior props
    Spawning after being defeated in combat should work now
    Hotkeys for speeding up time (insert), slowing down time (delete), pause (end), reset timescale to normal (home). Also added an unlock camera with a weapon readied (equals), and toggle HUD(backspace).-v1.4
    5 new face shape presets in character creation
    Blacksmith outfit
    AI now understands and uses objects in the world based upon time of day
    AI will dynamically follow assigned waypoint pathing
    The system is in place for dialogue barks (short one sentence lines "you know what's wrong with Skyrim these days?" sort of thing) Still need to write and implement them though
    Map Optimization and detailing
    Post Process updates - depth of field and color grading
    Resting / Waiting bug fixes
    Misc. fixes to environment collisions and textures-v1.3
    Male imps are in the game. Still an early implementation and the animations are placeholder until I can get the time to figure out how to handle that tail.
    The tavern has gotten a layout pass and was the test bed for the new modular interior building assets. The visuals haven't changed a whole lot but everything on the interior has been reworked with the new modular assets.
    New waiting mechanic to quickly pass time. Currently set to the 'T' hotkey.
    Dynamic spawn points. Singular spawns for one off encounters as well as larger group spawners are in and working. Take the road out of town into the green fields and walk towards the 2nd tower. Stay on the road and the spawns will trigger. The distance is kept small so it's very noticeable when the player triggers the spawn. There are still more features to implement to handle going from the exterior world to interior spaces but this is the basic foundation.
    Hotkeys can now be changed in the options menu.
    A few bugs were fixed. First person view was previously losing the body morphs while playing scenes. That should be fixed now.
    Eyelashes now have an intensity slider in the character creator.
    The 2nd tower heading out of town is also where I'm testing a lot of things and why the artwork is all placeholder for it. It's the blockout version for figuring out a basic multi level encounter, the minimum spaces required for that encounter, how the AI should handle the encounter, and planning out different playstyle solutions to the encounter.
    AI also has a basic understanding of useable objects in the game world. If an AI notices one of the street lights is out they will walk over and turn it on then go back to what they were doing. Nothing complicated but it's the beginning implementation for idle behaviors for AI.
    The most basic gameplay loop is implemented. Start in town, travel to the 2nd guard tower, clear and loot the tower, travel back to town to heal at the tavern.-v1.2
    Placeholder footstep sounds. They were free on the marketplace and I wanted to see what the process for hooking them up was.
    Slime girl. First pass on her assets. She has basic functionality but no combat or scene animations.
    3 new outfits. There's two sets of bandit armor and a tavern keeper outfit. I'm testing out cloth solutions with these armor sets. Bandit armor 1 has a dynamic cloth sim applied to it but there are a few issues with it. Bandit armor 2 the loincloth is static right now and I want to test dynamic joint chains which means a quick rigging pass. The same with the tavern keeper apron is static until I resolve how I want to handle cloth.
    Combat I'm trying to slow down the pace of combat just a little. When a character has a weapon ready their movement speed will slow down a little. I also lowered the damage from melee strikes it should take 7 or 8 melee hits to knock someone down. Then I wanted to differentiate the difference between the knockdown state and the ragdoll state more. Now after a character is knocked down it will take 4 melee hits to make them ragdoll and completely inactive. Once this gets a bit more finalized I'll add in hit reactions and fx, right now it's difficult to tell if the melee hits are landing on a knocked down opponent.
    AI perception has been updated to included hearing events. AI will now hear other characters in a small radius around them. The player will make noise when they are running or walking but they can sneak (ctrl key to toggle) and remain unheard. The sneak skill, speed, animations, will all be updated in the future this is just the initial functionality pass.
    Pickpocketing is also roughly implemented. While the player is sneaking they can access other character inventories. Skill and detection checks will come in a future update but for now the player will always be successful while pickpocketing.
    Starting a dialogue with a character will now pause their AI so they won't keep walking while in a conversation. They will also turn to face the player and after dialogue is finished go back to what they were doing.
    The trading UI can also be opened through a placeholder dialogue. It should open the player and NPC inventories and allow the player to trade items back and forth. The next step is to add gold values to objects and then add or subtract gold when trading items.
    Lots of little environment updates and assets. Did an LOD pass for most existing assets and updated the lighting. Should bring the framerate back up a bit.

Скриншоты/Примеры (в виде превью)

Обновлено 15.09112021г | Торрент-файл перезалит | Обновлено до версии v1.14
Размер: 5.18 GB
Так так так, шта ита у нас тут. Очередной свежачок от 4@ncyEvil. Мэрси, низкий поклон. Сейчас прочекаем, по скринам - вроде неплохо.

Сырая сырость, 1 квест который закончить нельзя, от силы 5 поз и мало врагов. Хорошая задумка но пока что веет сыроватостью.

Стоит надеяться, что проект будут развивать...

В игре вообще ничего нет, даже первый квест не работает до конца. Обычный концепт, куда тут 1.6 версия? Максимум 0.0000000000001A.

Багованая дрянь. При скипе к секс сцене перс смотрит на игрока и трахает воздух спиной к партнеру.

Пока пусто, но база для будущей игры просто бомба. Заполнить уровни, добавить квесты и персонажей, предметы и прочее и будет просто конфетка. Оптимизация, модели, смена времени суток. Всё прекрасно, надеюсь у автора всё будет хорошо

Как превью моделек - ок, в остальном ноль, интерфейс текстовый, квесты не работают, зайти поиграться с редактором персонажа, который пока не блещет функционалом - можно. В целом неплохая заготовка, там подправить текстурки, тут завезти удобоваримый интерфейс, добавить женские анимации ходьбы добавить интерактива, квестов и можно будет играть, но пока делать там нечего.

Если тут будет хотя бы треть того, что есть CoC, это будет очень интересный проект.

Версия v1 тоесть уже финальная? Полноценная игра, а не in-progress очередной и можно даже качать?)

Будет перевод или его можно не ждать?

а можно версию 1.11? пожалуйста))))

4@ncyEvil И как на данный момент этот проект поживает?

Кто-нибудь знает автопереводчик гугл транслейтом на UE4, как на юнити? Есть вообще такие? Про переводчики с экрана я знаю, но хотелось бы нормально..

обновите раздачу уже вышла версия 1.12

Ничего не понял. Пробежался, диалогов нет, квестов нет, секс-сцены все одинаковые, дома пустые или без дверей. И это v1?? Игру называют 1.0 когда она полностью готова, Карл. А это и огрызком не назовёшь.

новые версии от патрона теперь для нас закрыты навсегда!

Кто-нить знает, что там интересного в 1.15? Или всё такой же сырой продукт?
Хотя, проект интересный, и даже в чём-то перспективный но..1.14? Даже для верии "InProgress" оно сыро

Feign [InProgress, v1.14] (slaen) [uncen] [2021, Action, ADV, RPG, 3D, Fantasy, Monsters, Muscular, Succubus, Monster Girl, Demon, Constructor, Fighting, All Sex, Anal, Blowjob, Big Tits, Monster Girl, Futanari, Gay, Lesbians, UE4] [eng]

Вы скачиваете Feign [InProgress, v1.14] (slaen) [uncen] [2021, Action, ADV, RPG, 3D, Fantasy, Monsters, Muscular, Succubus, Monster Girl, Demon, Constructor, Fighting, All Sex, Anal, Blowjob, Big Tits, Monster Girl, Futanari, Gay, Lesbians, UE4] [eng]! В этом порно торренте имеются такие жанры как All Sex,Anal,Big tits,BigTits,Black,Blowjob,CP,Doggystyle,Doll,Facial,Fantasy,Feature,Feet,Foot,Gay,Jizz,Lesbian,Monster,Older,Pump,Slide,Star,Straight,SW,Tits,Trans,Раб,Друг,Сюжет. Мы уверены, вы подберете для себя подходящий жанр.